About this "knowledge base" siteUpdated 3 years ago
Hello and welcome!
This purpose of this new page is mostly to provide supportive information for people shopping at dryeyeshop.com. Whether you're here for dry eye supplies, or scleral lens supplies, it can be almost equally bewildering at times. We want to help demystify it and help you zoom in on the most appropriate products for you, and support you as you try things. Sometimes things work right out of the box, and sometimes life is all about the hacks. Whatever your need is, we want to be here for you.
This site is currently home to a somewhat chaotic collection of miscellaneous articles and reference lists that have been on dryeyeshop.com for quite some time. Many of them are getting outdated, but most of them are still fairly useful.
Moving everything to a new "help desk" style site is my first step in overhauling the information we provide about products on the site. It's also a way for us to more easily figure out what is useful to people, and what not. Please use those thumbs up and thumbs down buttons to give us feedback!
Please also reach out anytime and let us know what you would like to learn about - with respect to the products we stock and also the greater context, because obviously there are many things we don't stock (yet) for one reason or another. We are here to inform and support, not just sell.